+   English Martyrs Catholic Parish, Hillmorton   +


Christ with the Eucharist_Vicente_Joanes_Maçip_1594

Pope Francis’s Prayer for June: We pray that migrants fleeing from war or hunger, forced
to undertake journeys full of danger and violence, find welcome and new opportunities in
the countries that receive them.

Weekend Masses: Sunday 11 am at English Martyrs (livestreamed).

Masses during the week

SUNDAY 11.00 am EM 


Details in the Newsletter every week

A date for your diary Sunday, 7th July at 3pm a Mass for the sick with anointing at
Sacred Heart Church, for both parishes. With the help of the SVP we hope to provide transport for those who require assistance. The Mass will be followed by afternoon tea in the Hall. More details soon and an opportunity to sign up.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT at St Marie’s, after 10 am Mass until 7 pm Mass every Monday. All are welcome to come and spend some time with the Lord during the day.

REST IN PEACE: Please remember in prayer Joe Bednall who died recently.

NEW AUXILIARY BISHOPS FOR OUR DIOCESEMgr Canon Timothy Menezes currently Dean of St Chad’s Cathedral and Canon Richard Walker currently Vicar General of the Diocese have been appointed to be our New Auxiliary Bishops. They will help Archbishop Bernard care for the laity and clergy of our large diocese. Please pray for them as they prepare for their Episcopal Ordination on 16th July.

ENGLISH MARTYRS SUMMER FETE— The PTFA Summer Fete will be held on Saturday 6th July, 12 – 3 pm. A host of stalls including traditional fete stalls including traditional fete games (hook-a-duck and splat the rat, plus many more) as well as support from the local WI and Rugby Heart. There will be a variety of food and drink to sample. Your attendance would be much appreciated though if you are able to volunteer to ensure the day goes smoothly contact Adam Lewis (PTFA Sec) 07415 881 296. Thank you. Raffle tickets are on sale in the Narthex today. 50p each or £2.50 per book.

‘Heart Speaks to Heart’ – Over three evenings in June and July come and explore some tools to help us pray. Drawing mainly on the spiritual methods of St Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, we will explore a number of approaches to prayer including stilling, imaginative prayer, use of scripture, art and music. All welcome even if you missed last week. 7.00 — 8.30pm on June 13th and 20th and July 11th in Sacred Heart Church Hall.

CONFESSION, SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION – Please feel free to contact Fr Gerry to arrange a time. He is normally available before Mass on Saturdays at Sacred Heart and after Mass on Sunday at English Martyrs and other times by appointment.

RUGBY FOODBANK Items needed at the Foodbank: Instant Coffee, tinned meat, tinned fish, tinned custard, savory crackers, cuppa soup, mashed potato, tinned fruit, and strong carrier bags. There are now boxes at both parishes for you to drop off foodbank items as well as at most supermarkets. The items can be dropped off at most supermarkets. For further information and updates info@rugby.foodbank.org.uk or go to their website www.rugby.foodbank.org.uk


The Rugby Parishes are now part of the enlarged Deanery of Warwick and Banbury. Our new Dean is Canon John Batthula, parish priest of the Immaculate Conception parish in Bicester. 

SAFEGUARDING — The Parishes operate in accordance with Statutory Safeguarding Guidance and the National and Archdiocese policies and procedures at all times. Our parish Safeguarding Representatives are Sue Leary and Marie Kane. They can be contacted at sg.sacredheart.bilton@rcaob.org.uk or alternatively the Diocesan
The Safeguarding Team can be contacted at 0121 2306240 or safeguarding@rcaob.org.uk if you have any concerns.

Our Diocesan Vision Statement – We are called to be a Catholic diocese that is faithful to the mission entrusted to us by Jesus Christ, full of missionary disciples who work co-responsibly in vibrant communities of faith, joyful in their service of God and neighbour. In his recent Pastoral letter, Archbishop Bernard asked us to reflect together as a parish on four elements of the Diocesan Vision– Evangelisation, Formation, Liturgy and Worship, and Social Outreach. We will be seeking to create opportunities to do this in the months ahead.

Mass Intentions

Thank you for your offerings for Masses to be celebrated for your intentions. We will try to offer them on dates requested. If this is possible we will offer them at a suitable time and date as close as possible. If you include a phone number we can let you know.

SICK AND HOUSEBOUND PARISHIONERS AT ENGLISH MARTYRS AND SACRED HEART – Please let us know of any parishioners who would like a home visit and wish to receive Holy Communion at home.

HOSPITAL CHAPLAINCYFr Sunday from Coventry is the full-time Catholic Chaplain to Walsgrave and St Cross. Please contact him through the Chaplaincy at the Hospital. If you are going in for a planned operation please feel free to ask Fr Gerry to administer the Sacrament of the Sick (Anointing) in advance.

FRIENDS OF THE HOLY LAND If anyone would like more information on FHL or to consider joining me on pilgrimage, please visit our website or telephone the office in Kenilworth at 01926 512980. With many thanks and please keep our Christian brothers and sisters in your prayers. See website www.friendsoftheholyland.org.uk

MASS ONLINE — LIVESTREAMWe will be continuing to livestream the Sunday 11 am Mass from English Martyrs for the benefit for those who are housebound or unable to attend Mass in person. We hope it is helpful. You can even watch it on your holidays! 

The Universe Catholic Weekly – the first subscriber none other than His Eminence Cardinal Vincent Nichols. Order your Digital 4 weeks FREE introductory offer by calling Michelle on 0743 661 7650 or email: michelle.jones@universecatholicweekly.co.uk

WHATS APP Groups are a useful way of connecting Parishioners for sharing news, information etc. There is a Sacred Heart Group already in existence. To join please text name and mobile number to Richard Potter on 07944 510694 for Sacred Heart Parish Group. We have now started an English Martyrs Group please text name and mobile number to Maris Golovackis on 07851 931162 to join.


Please speak to Diane at SH or Caroline at EM if you have any queries or changes of address etc. Thanks.

English Martyrs: Caroline Deery Caroline.deery@btinternet.com 07768171146

Sacred Heart: Diane Davies: sacredheart.bilton@rcaob.org.uk 01788813263

Thank you for your generous financial support of our Parishes.

ST JOSEPHS CARE HOME COLESHILL — part of Fr Hudson’s Care.
Situated in the beautiful surroundings of rural Warwickshire, St Joseph’s Care Home offers a range of personalized services including residential care, specialized dementia care, and short-term respite care in a friendly welcoming environment. With a dedicated and compassionate staff team who are passionate about making residents safe and
happy in an environment that is just how home feels. Mass is offered in the Home’s own Chapel regularly. For more information or to book a virtual tour then please quote SJ2 and contact Care Home Manager Shelley Perryman on 01675 434559, email shelleyperryman@fatherhudsons.org.uk or visit our website at www.stjosephscarehome.co.uk

CAFOD WORLD GIFTS-  Why not CAFOD WORLD GIFTS? Catalogues available and online. Thoughtful Gifts from you for those who are in great need of the basics of life in different parts of the world. Please take a copy or look on Cafod website.


Father Hudson’s, our diocesan social welfare society, has a mission to transform the lives of people in need. Its different agencies support over 7000 people across the Archdiocese to live with dignity, fulfilment, and hope. We provide care for older people and those living with dementia; post-adoption and care support; residential care, daily activities, and independent living support for adults with disabilities; fostering services, and family support projects. Together with our community partners, we provide accommodation and move-on support for people experiencing homelessness, advice and practical help for vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers; support for vulnerable individuals and families; friendship for people experiencing isolation.
They do wonderful work on behalf of our Catholic community in the Archdiocese.


Contact details: 01788813263 or sacredheart.bilton@rcaob.org.uk 

The capacity at both Churches per service is 60 people. 


All Masses in other parishes and notice sheets are now on the Rugby – Warwick Catholic Deanery website – Warwick Catholic Deanery


List of Live Streaming Church’s in Archdiocese of Birmingham link
